The redesign of the FCC/CE-compliant boards was completed and we placed an order with a board factory in Japan to manufacture the boards.
The FCC/CE board redesign was scheduled to be completed on September 11, but it took about two weeks longer than planned to conduct the internal and external reviews and reflect the results.
Therefore, we had originally planned to manufacture the countermeasure boards and mount the components at our plant in Malaysia, but since this overlapped with a Chinese national holiday (National Day: September 29 to October 9), we decided to minimize the delay by manufacturing the prototype boards in Japan.
By taking the above measures, there will be no change in the previously reported schedule for the start of sequential shipments in November, which is the "shipping schedule if the product passes the FCC/CE certification test.
The following dates are scheduled
September 27: FCC/CE boards have been ordered from a board factory in Japan.
October 5: FCC/CE countermeasure board completed.
October 6: PCBs are shipped to the Malaysian factory. Scheduled to arrive in Malaysia on October 9.
Week of October 9: Parts are mounted on the board at the Malaysian factory. Upon completion, ship to Japan via airmail.
Week of Oct. 16th: Check the operation of the board. If all is well, we will make an appointment at the FCC/CE certification site in Japan and conduct the FCC/CE certification test (possibly the following week).
Mass production schedule and shipping schedule if FCC/CE certification test is passed
Week of October 16: 1st batch ordered, 1st batch of substrates manufactured
Week of November 6: Assembly of 1st batch begins and testing begins.
Assembly and inspection of the first batch will be completed and shipping will start in order.
We will proceed with development as fast as possible, but the schedule may change depending on the development status.
We will share the development status (events of the week and plans for the following week) on this blog every week from now on, so please subscribe to our newsletter on this site.
Today's Video
Today I experimented with SAND FLUTE, SONICWARE's proprietary sound engine that extracts pitch components from noise to generate sound.
If ELZ_1 just extracted the pitch components normally, it would sound tasteless, like a measuring instrument, but we have devised an algorithm to create a musically pleasing sound.
I named it SAND FLUTE because it produces a flute-like sound in its normal state, but in this video I tried to create a sound that is not flute-like by adjusting various parameters.
9/27 FCC/CE対策基板を日本の基板工場に発注済み。
10/5 FCC/CE対策基板完成。
10/6 FCC/CE対策基板をマレーシア工場に発送。マレーシアへは10/9到着予定。
10/9の週 マレーシア工場にて基板に部品をマウント。完了次第、航空便で日本に発送。
10/16の週 基板の動作チェック。問題なければ、日本にあるFCC/CE認証サイトを予約。FCC/CE認証試験を実施(場合により翌週になる可能性もあり)。
10月16日の週 1stロット発注、1stロットの基板製造開始
11月6日の週 1stロットの組み立て開始、検査実施開始
今日はノイズから音程成分を抽出してサウンドを生成するSONICWARE独自のサウンドエンジン「SAND FLUTE」の実験をしました。
ノーマル状態でフルートっぽいサウンドが出るのでSAND FLUTEと命名したのですが、このビデオでは色々とパラメータを調整してフルートっぽくないサウンドも作ってみました。