Dr's Journey-1
The New ELZ_1

ELZ_1 play
29-JUNE 2023
ELZ_1 play (Scheduled to ship in October)
200 units sold out.
Thank you so much!!
3-JULY 2023
ELZ_1 play (scheduled to ship in November)
50 units sold out.
Thank you so much!!
Shipping is free within the US, EU and UK.Shipping charges may apply in your area and in other countries. For more information, please check the shipping costs on the purchase page of the SONICWARE website.

What is Dr.'s Journey?
These are "manufacturing projects" such as electronic instrument development projects, Dr. Yu Endo limited edition models, goods, related accessories, sample packs and patches, etc. that Endo will personally solicit support for.
The products to be made at Dr.'s Journey are mainly based on "trial products with a strong Endo flavour", "experimental products", "new ideas", etc., so they are expected to be small runs of many different products.
Therefore, to keep SONICWARE free to expand and support its current product range, Endo will personally solicit support to make these products.
Each Dr. Journey handles one project.
I will deal with themes that excite me, and I am sure you will be excited as well!
遠藤が個人的に支援を募って行う電子楽器開発プロジェクトや、Dr. Yu Endo限定モデル、グッズ、関連アクセサリ、サンプルパック・パッチなどの「ものづくりプロジェクト」です。
Dr's Journeyで作る製品は、主に、「遠藤の趣味嗜好が強い試み」や「実験的な試み」、「新しい試み」などがベースとなった製品なので、多品種で小ロットになることが予想されます。
各Dr's Journeyごとにひとつのプロジェクトを扱います。
Dr's Journey-1
Goals of this project
I would like to upgrade the backpackable inspirational device known as the ELZ_1 and bring it back as the "new" ELZ_1.

What is ELZ_1? / Why ELZ_1?
This compact multi-engine synthesizer by SONICWARE was announced at the NAMM show in January 2018 and has been loved by many since its release in 2019. We are still continuing to add features and updates via firmware releases, but it is not currently back in production due to a number of factors.
The ELZ_1 is not only equipped with widely known engines such as the FM synth engine, but also with several completely new and unique sound engines.
Therefore, ELZ_1 is a highly experimental product.
Among them, the development of the SiGrinder, DNA Explorer, SAND FLUTE, and other synth engines started from Endo's ideas and coding experiments, and through experimental approaches, they were finally developed to the level where they can be used as instruments.
We believe that the experimentation by the Dr's Journey project will open up possibilities to evolve ELZ_1 as a more novel and experimental synth.
その中でも特にSiGrinderやDNA Explorer、SAND FLUTEなどのシンセエンジンは、遠藤のアイデアやコーディング実験から開発がスタートし、実験的なアプローチを経て、最終的に楽器として使えるレベルに仕上げています。
Dr’s Journeyの実験的な試みによって、斬新で実験的なシンセとしてのELZ_1を進化させる可能性があると信じております。

Why aren't they in production?
After launching ELZ_1 in March 2019, we started developing the LIVEN series to expand our product lineup. Just as production of 8-bit warps was getting back on track, a global semiconductor shortage occurred. We had to wait up to 14 months or more to obtain semiconductor components, including DSPs (digital signal processors), which are key components used in our products. We were able to overcome this situation by limiting our production to the LIVEN series and SmplTrek, and also by paying a premium cost in advance to our suppliers to secure the semiconductor components needed for the LIVEN series and SmplTrek. Unfortunately, due to these and other factors, it was necessary to halt ELZ_1 production.
LIVEN 8bit warpsの開発はCovid-19の流行などで大変ではありましたが、2020年の10月に無事出荷開始することができ、生産も順調に進みました。
8bit warpsの生産が軌道に乗ってきた頃、今度は世界的な半導体不足が発生しました。

Dr's Journey-1 project launched
ELZ_1 was the first synthesizer at SONICWARE which I was totally involved in. From planning, experimentation and study of the synth engine to the manufacturing process. I really enjoyed programming the synth engine and worked like crazy until late at night.
From the beginning, I had a strong desire to restart the next version of such a beloved synthesizer, so once the Covid-19 and semiconductor shortage had settled down, and although I did not know when it would be ready for production, I have been gradually working on the next ELZ_1.
Thankfully, we still receive many feature requests for ELZ_1 mk.2 and messages from customers wishing to purchase it on SNS and other social networking sites. Now that the shortage of semiconductors has improved considerably, we have decided to proceed with the development of the next ELZ_1 as our personal revival project, although the number of units will be limited.
また、本当に有難いことに、今でも度々SNS上などでELZ_1の再販を願う声や、ELZ_1 mk.2のリクエストを頂きます。
Hello ELZ_1 play !
Next ELZ_1, that is ELZ_1 play!
ELZ_1 play has expanded features and interface to take advantage of its unique sound without modifying the original ELZ_1's core sound engines & effects.
- 14 synth engines + 26 effects that fans of the ELZ_1 know and love.
- New 4-track looper for easy one-touch record/playback/overdub.
- Velocity-enabled keyboard, stereo speakers built into the side panel, USB audio & MIDI.
Let's take a closer look.
ELZ_1 playは、オリジナルELZ_1のコアであるサウンドエンジン&エフェクトに手を加えることなく、そのユニークなサウンドを活かすためのフィーチャーとインターフェイスが拡張されています。
- 多くのファンを獲得しているELZ_1の14種類のシンセエンジン+26種類のエフェクト
- ワンタッチで簡単に録音/再生/オーバーダブができる新開発の4トラックルーパー
- ベロシティ対応 鍵盤、サイドパネルに組み込まれたステレオスピーカー、USBオーディオ&MIDI
14 synth engines + 26 effects that fans of the ELZ_1 know and love.
The ELZ_1's synth engines were built from scratch using 32-bit floating point math. From hard low-bit textures to organic FM tones to granular synthesis, the ELZ_1 has unique synth engines unlike any other synthesizer. The voice memory count will be 512 tones (128 tones x 4 banks), with 256 presets created by ELZ_1 masters.
音色メモリー数は、128音 x 4バンク構成の512音となり、ELZ_1マスター達による256音色のプリセットが搭載されます。
2 ~ 8 bit variable low-bit oscillator. Sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves.
32-bit floating-point processing high resolution oscillator. Sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves.
Choose 2 waveforms / period of cycles.
Extract and generate waveform DNA from audio.
Granular synthesizer engine.
Noise oscillator.
Extract and generate tone from noise.
Editing your own waveform.
Morphing 3 waveforms.
2 operators, 8bit FM mode.
Generates an intermediate waveform by crossfading two waveforms.
Waveforms change according to envelope.
3 waveforms change in the orders.
4 operators with 31 algorithms, 32-bit floating point processing.
Newly developed 4-track looper for easy one-touch record/ playback/ overdub.
The newly developed 4-track looper allows easy recording/playback/overdubbing by simply pressing the track buttons.
You can record not only ELZ_1 play performances, but also LINE input and USB audio input.
You can freely record loops on each track while playing rhythms on the "STK Drummer" using it's 5 drum kits - 100 different rhythm patterns, so it can be used for a wide range of purposes, from sketching out compositions to live performances.
ELZ_1 playの演奏はもちろん、LINE入力やUSBオーディオ入力も録音できます。
STK Drummerの5キット - 100種類 のリズムパターンを鳴らしながら、各トラック自由にループを録音してゆけるので、作曲のスケッチから、ライブパフォーマンスまで幅広く使えます。

Velocity-enabled keyboard, stereo speakers built into side panel, USB audio & MIDI
To make it a musical instrument that is pleasant and expressive to play, the keyboard has been improved to support velocity on all keys, and high-quality/loud stereo speakers are built into the side panels. It is also equipped with an SD card slot, USB-C, and DIN-MIDI jacks for flexible handling of audio and MIDI. It also supports MIDI control change, which has long been requested.

We are looking for people to support us! / 支援してくださる方を募集中です
As the first project of Dr's Journey, I am now looking for people who would like to support the creation of the ELZ_1 play by placing a preorder.
The products we make in the Dr's Journey project are basically produced in limited quantities, as they are highly hobbyist or new and experimental.
Since this project involves making completely new hardware, a large initial cost is required. Since I really wanted to realize the ELZ_1 play, I promised the factory that I myself would fund the purchase of 200 units, which is the minimum order amount, in order to proceed with this project.
Therefore, we will sell 200 units first.
If there is an ongoing demand in the future, there is a possibility of selling them to the public as a regular SONICWARE product, but for now it is my personal project.
Those who pre-order this time will have their names credited on the Special Thanks screen of this machine. (The name that will be credited will be the name on your order. If you wish to change your name to a nickname or decline to have your name credited, please contact SONICWARE with your order number.)
Now, the backpackable inspiration machine is back with more power.
Please add ELZ_1 play to your music life.
The number of units to be sold is limited, so please click the button below to preorder as soon as possible!
*Please do not purchase for resale. Production is limited and I really want people who love it to use it.
記念すべきDr's Journeyの第一弾プロジェクトとして、ELZ_1 playの誕生に協力してくださる方を募集中です。
Dr's Journeyプロジェクトで作る製品は、趣味嗜好性が強かったり、新しく実験的な試みであったりするため、基本的には限定的な数量の生産となります。
今回はハードウェアの改変も伴うため、そこそこ大きな初期費用が必要になりますが、私はこのELZ_1 playをどうしても実現したかったので、工場に最小発注単位である200台を私が買い取る約束をして進めることにしました。
今回プレオーダーにてご支援いただける方は特別に、本機のSpecial Thanks画面にお名前をクレジットさせていただきます。(クレジットされる名前は注文時のお名前になります。ニックネームやクレジットへの記載を辞退したい場合はSONICWAREの問い合わせより注文番号を添えてその旨ご連絡ください。)
あなたの音楽制作の一助に、ぜひELZ_1 playも加えてあげてください。

ELZ_1 play
29-JUNE 2023
ELZ_1 play (Scheduled to ship in October)
200 units sold out.
Thank you so much!!
3-JULY 2023
ELZ_1 play (scheduled to ship in November)
50 units sold out.
Thank you so much!!
Shipping is free within the US, EU and UK.Shipping charges may apply in your area and in other countries. For more information, please check the shipping costs on the purchase page of the SONICWARE website.

Black Edition
Those who preorder this time can also choose a special Black Edition.Please select BlackEdition from the color variations at the time of preorder.
ELZ_1 play Specs.
Synthesizer engines
15 types
2 ~ 8 bit variable low-bit oscillator
Sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves - STANDARD OSC
32-bit floating-point processing high resolution oscillator
Sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves - CUSTOM OSC
Choose 2 waveforms / period of cycles - DNA EXPLORER
Extract and generate waveform DNA from audio * - SiGRINDER
Granular synthesizer engine * - MASKED NOISE
Noise oscillator - SAND FLUTE
Extract and generate tone from noise - 8BIT WAVE MEMORY SYNTH
Editing your own waveform - 8BIT WAVE MEMORY SYNTH( MORPH )
Morphing 3 waveforms - 8BIT WAVE MEMORY SYNTH( FM MODE )
2 operators, 8bit FM mode - 8BIT WAVEMEM SYNTH (WARP)
Generates an intermediate waveform by crossfading two waveforms - 8BIT WAVEMEM SYNTH (ADSR)
Waveforms change according to envelope - 8BIT WAVEMEM SYNTH (TIME)
3 waveforms change in the orders - FM SYNTH
4 operators with 31 algorithms, 32-bit floating point processing - STK Drummer
Drum machine engine (SmplTrek .stk file compatible)
Maximum Polyphony: 15 voices (Depends on the synth engine)
Number of Sound memories: 512 (128 x 4 banks)
*3 samplings of up to 5 seconds can be saved (16bit-48kHz WAV file import/export supported)
- ADSR (w/curve)
- ADS-RA-R (w/curve)
- LPF-6, LPF-12
- HPF-6, HPF-12
- Peaking EQ
Voice modes
Poly, Mono, Legato, Unison
26 types
- Overdrive, Distortion, Fuzz, Crusher
- Chorus, Stereo Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Vibrato
- RingModulator, AutoWah, AutoPan
- TapeEcho, Stereo Delay, Reverse Delay, PingPong Delay
- Reverb, Hall, Room, Plate, Custom Reverb, Tunnel, Infinity
- Vinyl Simulator, Cassette Tape Simulator
Up, Down, UpDown, DownUp, Up&Down, Down&Up, Random, Play Order
- Up to 128 steps per pattern (Single track)
- 128 patterns
- Step length can be set from 1/1 to 1/32
- Step and real-time recording (Supports non-quantized recording with MicroTiming REC)
- Enter longer notes (Tied notes)
- Metronome function
4-track looper
- One-touch recording/overdubbing
- Recording from the built-in sound source, LINE input, and USB audio input
- FREE function automatically sets the number of bars according to the recording time
- One-shot playback
- UNDO/REDO function
- Notes, program changes, control changes, clock input/output
< Main unit >
- 37 keys (Velocity sensitive)
- 5 encoders
Audio Outputs
- Stereo line outputs (standard L/R phone jacks)
- Headphone output (stereo mini jack)
*Compatible with Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator Series 2 SYNC OUT - Speaker (Stereo)
Audio Inputs
- AUX IN (stereo mini jack)
*Compatible with Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator Series 2 SYNC OUT
- USB Audio functions
- USB MIDI functions
- USB HOST mode
SD card
Standard size
- Looper recording data storage
- Firmware updates
- MIDI IN connector (5-Pin DIN type)
- MIDI OUT connector (5-Pin DIN type)
- SYNC IN jack (monaural 3.5mm mini jack)
- SYNC OUT jack (monaural 3.5mm mini jack)
- 399mm (W) x 131mm (D) x 50mm (H)
- 15.71" (W) x 5.16" (D) x 1.97" (H)
- 1.12kg
- 2.47lbs
- Power supply unit included
DC9V output AC adapter (1.7A, Inner Diameter: 1.7mm, Outer Diameter: 4.75mm, Polarity: Center +) - 6 x AA batteries. *Batteries sold separately
Will it ever be made commercially available?
If there seems to be an ongoing demand, it could become a regular product, but it is hard to say at this time.
Will I have to pay taxes?
Depending on your location, VAT or other taxes may be collected.
Is there a warranty?
The product comes with a 1-year warranty from the date of purchase. For more information, please visit the SONICWARE page via the PREORDER button.
Shipping charges
Shipping is free within the US, EU and UK.
Shipping charges may apply in your area and in other countries. For more information, please check the shipping costs on the purchase page of the SONICWARE website.